
How to report somebody, for what I think is considered endangering the welfare of a child?

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I live in NY state, and an old friend of my sisters is not suit to be a mother. She smokes ciggarettes with her baby on her lap (he is only 6 months old). Smokes pot with him right there, brings him to parties, etc. This poor child has inhaled so much weed its not even funny. I wanted to report her a long time ago, She is not ready to grow up and except her resposiblities as a 18 year old mother. And I am not going to sit back any longer and watch it happen

ALSO, is it illegal or Considered endangering the welfare of a child if you are on drugs while pregnant?




  1. how about this, mind your own business or try to talk to me.

  2. How about you just mind your own business?  

  3. Call CPS anonymously.

  4. The next time you see her smoking pot with the baby there, call the police.  That should take care of the problem.

  5. as someone else said... smoking cigs and taking baby to parties is not abuse or neglect as long as the baby is taking care of while on these outings however using drugs is illegal period and especially if the child is near it.. you can call the local DCFS and they will make a report as most likely follow up with a meeting with her and the baby and the surroundings that the baby is in. however sad to say most mothers are able to get around this and there is really nothing that will happen... DCFS take things like this to lightly, unless the child has substantial bruising or injures they really don't do anything, i know sad however true.. i mean look at how many kids are killed or beaten for years before something actually happens.. not to mention all the little girls and boys that get raped by their parents and friends and people say things however nothing ever happens.. it never hurts to try...

  6. Depending on NY laws you may be required to report.  Smoking and parties are bad parenting but do not conitute abuse. However smoking pot seriously damages a babies devolpment.

    And for all those people who say mind your own buisness children are humans and should not be submitted to what you would not put yourself through. Plus todays children will be running the country when your in retierment.  

  7. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to a woman when she is pregnant and using drugs except get an intervention.

    However, now that the baby is born, you can contact your local authorities and DCF and inform them of this abuse. They will most likely give her a warning and if it continues, they will remove the baby and have her in rehab until she's clean. If she refuses they will give the baby up to relatives or foster care until she is clean.

  8. Child Protective Services.  

  9. For some background, no, I was never a parent who partied with my children.

    You absolutely need to mind your own business.

    I have to ask how you know for a fact how much weed she smokes. Are you there smoking weed with her? Maybe that's what has stopped you from calling the cops while she is smoking weed.

    What kind of life is the child having exactly? Is he unhealthy? Is he underfed? Does he sit around in a dirty diaper for hours at a time? Does she not love him? Does she beat him?

    If he is healthy and happy and loved, that is what really matters, and he is probably fine.

    Mind your own business and stop being judgmental.

  10. You're right that you need to do something.  Get as much info on her as you can; full name, address, etc, and contact New York State Child Protective Services.  Something needs to happen here.  Even if they don't find her for abuse or neglect, now she has a record, so when something more serious gets reported, they'll take that into account.

  11. The next time she is getting high call the police.  That is a pretty strong intervention.  Just call 911 and give them all the details.

    Hey Freddy and Creepshow: who should mind the business of a baby?

  12. call the police someone because that child could be taken away for miss treatment

  13. Immediately call the CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES.  And if you see her doing this in person again, immediately call the police.  Yes, it is considered endangering the welfare of the child while pregnant.  Someone said you should mind your own business. DO NOT LISTEN to that person. Why?  Because as adults we are to look after the ones that are the most innocent and cannot take care of themselves.  A unborn child, and/or a 6 month year old child, cannot take care of him/herself.  Report her now, before it is too late, for her and her baby. She needs help!!!!

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