
How to request a starbucks in my city?

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i want a star bucks in my town witch is in parlier ca but idk what to do or were to go i enjoy star bucks but the closest one is like 10 or 20 miles away i would like the convenience of one in my town without having to drive far how do i do that

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  1. I think it will be hard to request a starbucks in your area, because recently starbucks is in the process of closing 600 stores.  Basically starbucks expanded too fast and that's the reason for the closures. but you could find someone to collobrate with you and run a Starbucks - starbucks like every chain in America is a Franchise, you should be able to contact Starbucks HQ in Seatle and find out what you need to have one set up.

  2. Eric, you took the words right out of my fingers *lol* it is true though a couple people saw it bigger than it really was and it was like a wildfire. I don't care for Starbucks at all, give me a cheap Speedway Cappuchino any day for 79 cents instead of 7 dollars.

  3. sent a letter to starbucks,with 2000 signatures

  4. Send Starbucks an email.  Though they are cutting back, I know in my area several new stores are opening.  You never know.  I, too, love Starbucks.   Good luck!

  5. ummm... hmm. i love starbucks too. maybe talk to ur mayor or town hall??

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