
How to rescue relationships from break up without looking desperate?

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How to rescue relationships from break up without looking desperate?




  1. tell him/her how much you need them. want them, love them

  2. Try to work out your problems in a good, mature way.

    But I know a good way to NOT look desperate is to go crazy about it.

    Don't threaten suicide, don't force them into being with you by threatening bodily harm to yourself. I don't know if that is on your mind, but just in case it is, please don't do it.

    Just tell them you love them and you want to be with them, that you enjoy being with them and it makes you happy to be together.

    But if that doesn't work then it isn't you, it is more than likely your boyfriend/girlfriend and the way they think. It is a good idea to make them feel like they are a big part of your world but no the center of the universe.

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