My son was born in February. He is now six months old. Before he was born I did research about various things including birth plans and interviewed a pediatrician that my friend recommended. I did not research vaccines in particular, I asked my husband about it and he said it was uneccesary and would just make me paranoid. I had an emergency c section and a day afterward the hospital staff offered a shot in the nursery, the hepatitis b vaccine. I waited to talk to my doctor and husband about the vaccine b/c I had never heard of it. After talking to my doctor I was still unsure about the vaccine b/c on my interview one of her partners gave me the vaccine schedule and it said they gave it at one month. I also asked the pediatrician if my son could contract hep b in the hospital and they said no it was spread through needles and s*x. I told the pediatrician and my husband that I thought we should wait until one month like their schedule said. My husband read the sheet and saw that yeast was an ingredient in the vaccine and he pointed out that he had a yeast allergy. The doctor told him that if he had an allergy and we were worried about our son it was better to have the shot now where neonatal was available than at a month old when he could die on the way to the hospital in an ambulance. I was very worried and this point and said I wanted to wait on the shot and my husband insisted it was better to have it now. My husband later told me that he was raised that you could not say no to vaccines and that they were never optional. He told me in the hospital that it would be fine and I was upset and confused about the pediatrician's schedule because I had been awake over 48 hours between labor, the c section, and trouble nursing. I told him that I wanted to come with to the nursery and he told me to stay in the bed and rest. I did research and read the Vaccine Book after I got home from the hospital and I was very angry at the doctor (for recommending something totally unecessary) and at my husband for not respecting my feelings. My son is six months old now and he is developmentally fine but he has severe eczema and skin rashes. I do not know the impact this vaccine had on my son. He had a second dose of Hep b at his one month visit and a DTAP at his two month visit and then I stopped vaccinating him at all. My husband and I disagree about vaccination, he says it is normal so we should do it and he does not care about the individual diseases and risks of the vaccines although he is very concerned about his food allergies and how they will affect our son. We still have arguments to this day about what happened in the hospital, I felt that he and the doctor overrode my objections to the hep b vaccine and my husband says it is not his fault that he listened to the doctor. He said the doctor is the expert not me, so he should not be faulted for his decision. How can we settle this matter and how can I resolve my upset feelings about my son's birth? I still get upset about the birth and the shot and I know there is nothing I can do to change it so I need to know how to move on.