
How to respond in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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I have a few applications on Facebook that I created for others to use. For some reason, one very angry person has decided that I, personally, am Facebook and sent me the following message. How should I respond to them when I have finally stopped laughing?




  1. Tell him you're sorry and to have a nice day.

  2. I'm STILL laughing!

    Perhaps 'forward' it to Facebook and tell them you want a free mug or T-shirt for this wrongful abuse.

    Heck, tell them you're emotionally distraught after receiving this barrage and you'll sue! J/K.

    Some people...

  3. tell her you have forwarded it onto the police as she made a bomb threat to the white house and president bush and you don't want to take any chances in case she is a what a nutcase!!

  4. This guy has wayyyyyy too much time on his hands.. but I think I would send him a 'Friend Request' and see if he accepts.

    Then I would post it on his wall or something with a precursor 'Why did you send this to my email?'. Just for a laugh. :)

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