
How to respond to...?

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Hello, my husband and I just got married in Feb. and since the day of the wedding people have asked when we are going to have children. We do want kids, we just want to wait a little bit, enjoy each other. What is the best way to respond to the question "so when are you going to have children? or is there a little something you want to share with the world?" we have explained many times to people that we are going to wait a little, as I am in school and graduate in June (we were going to wait until then) but some people and family members like to push that. Please give me your response to this, and why people think it's their business.

Thanks :)




  1. i agree wit wat u doin wen im older and married i wanna wait like a year till i have kids and da bby will come wen itz gud and ready otherwise wen God attended it to

  2. Here are a few responses to try:

    1. Why do you want to know?

    2. That's a personal matter between my husband and I

    3. We are waiting until we are out of school

    4. We plan on adopting chimps instead, we are planning to visit Africa next month

    5. OH MY!  I'm married?!?!

    6. We're not sure how to do that....would you mind explaining it to me?

    The bottom line is that you don't owe anyone an explanation and you need to find your comfort level with who is asking the question...people are nosey by nature and always assume everyone wants to start out a family immediately.  Good luck!
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