
How to respond to woman haters that post on Y!A?

by  |  earlier

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I think report the directly insulting one and the ones that break other community guidlines and don't answer the other ones




  1. I notice how your question comes on the heels of a bunch of guys that started attacking women on the gender studies sub catagory, I think that for the ones that have been chatting or ranting and insulting then report away. I mean it is just unacceptable for men to talk that way to the many children that are on this site. Report them.

  2. Ignore them.

  3. Ignore them...I rarely report unless it has something related to children and s*x or is very clearly over acceptable limits.  I have probably only reported twice.

  4. love them..

    it may sound a bit religious but then sometimes reverse psychology does the do it i guess you have to respond to them civilly but be sure to drive home a point.everybody's entitled to their opinion.hence, speak your mind directly for them and not address your ire to virtually nobody in cyberspace..hope you'll take a sniper-shot!

  5. Ignore most.  

    Say a prayer for the asker.  

    Edit: Saying lots of prayers for the asker today.

  6. Reporting is for whimps. If people insult you either insult them back or ignore them.

  7. win them over with your irrascible wit

  8. I dont running around reporting everyone I dislike and disagree with, I have a few post for p**n (as we have little ones around) but I leave it at that.

    Reporting can very quickly get out of hand, it goes from the ones who need to be pulled, to the Q that are kinda iffy, suddenly nothing from anyone stays on the board for more then ten min's.

    Argue with them, challenge their logic, make funny bash's at them(not all men only them), or ignore them.

  9. Meh, reporting is a waste of time FTMP. The only time I've ever reported anyone is for saying something really blasphemous (and I mean, bad enough that I won't even type it out to tell you what was said). Otherwise if someone asks a question or says something offensive I just ignore it. They want you to react and have a fit, so don't give them the pleasure.

  10. Forgive, bless and move on.  

    ETA:  See the TD's the Professor and I have received?  Those are the marks of immaturity.  Children don't like it when you pay them no mind.

  11. Reporting is a grown up version of "I'm telling mom!".

    I prefer to either defend myself or ignore them.

  12. Just ignore them.

    They are most likely trying to get a rise out of you.

    And firing back will just get you reported and eventually suspended.

  13. Reporting is basically the equivalent of saying "I'm too helpless and hapless to defend myself or deal with insults, and I need someone to PROTECT ME!"

    Instead, try being cleverer than them. Respond to their insults with cutting responses of your own that illuminate their hatred and weakness to others. Debate them successfully. Point out how irrational they are. Make them perceive you as a strong, intelligent person who refuses to be pushed around or intimidated. In other words, prove them wrong.

  14. The same way I respond to man-haters.  I ignore them.  There are plenty of both, especially in GWS.  They seem to attract each other.

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