
How to return a car beucase finance wont work with?

by  |  earlier

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my bf got into a car accident and totalled his car so the insurance paid off his car and got him a rental. but then we were stuck in the prediciment that we had to come up with money for a down he took out a cash advance. well since he did that there wasnt enough money in his check for the first payment. they want him to make a payment the day he gets paid which is every 2 weeks. he works out of town so often but they say there is nothing they can do about it. well if he skips this 5 day job hes gonna be on then he wont have enough money in this check for rent and everything else. is there anything we can do about this becuase its pretty ****** that he gets into an accident and now hes completely screwed over and the finance people wont let him make a monthly payment they need to be payed on the day he gets paid and the car we checked the value when we got home and its only worth 13 grand and were paying 18grand and 27,000 with interest. on the papers it said we had




  1. If you borrowed money, you signed an agreement with the finance people.  They don't care what happens to you or the car, they just want their money.  There isn't much you can do but pay.  You have to follow their rules.

  2. WTF !!

    Stop babbling.

    #1 - too much info

    #2 - yet you are not saying anything important

    #3 - what are you asking

    Say it so we can answer it.

    Good Luck...

    P.S.  Do you wonder why nobody is answering?

  3. There is so much wrong with this. You had no down so you borrowed the money. Then you borrowed for the car at a high interest rate. And then you spend about 3x what you needed to.

    If you do not make payments they will come and get the car, and you can bet that it will show on your credit file. Good luck getting a car after that for many years to come.

    It sounds like you bought from one of those dealers who sells to anyone on bad credit. Now you know why they charge so much -- you end up paying for the cars of others who do not make any payments.

    If he cannot afford the car it sounds like you bought too much car.  A car only worth 13K is still very respectable.  I have a Toyota with 15,000 miles on it worth that. Maybe you needed to get a Honda Civic with 300,000 miles on it for $5,000 instead. Getting a car you could not afford was not so hot.

    Sorry, but even if I could solve this instance for you, it is simply a symptom of a much bigger problem.

    Things you guys can do:

    Get a job in town

    Move closer to work


    Take a bus

    Get a bike

    But yes, if you cannot afford the car, drive it back to them and say sorry, we cannot afford it.  See what they do, and post back. It may hurt short term but sounds like in the long term this is the best option.

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