
How to reuse waste news paper?

by  |  earlier

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I am having many kgs of daily news paper in my house. I would like to reuse it. but i am not knowing what to do exactly. please anyone suggest me good process or method.




  1. Get it recycled in some recycle bin!

  2. news papers can be used in many ways

    1=u can use it for packaging something or even u can pack some food with it.the food will not spoil fo 2-3 weaks.

    2=u can use them for covering ur notebooks

    3=u can use it 4 paper mashey or painting

    4=u can use them 4 increasing ur vocablary as u can find out many new words from them.

    5=u can use them for crafting.

    is'nt it gr8.u can reuse them in many other ways.

    plz choose me as the best one,plz,plz,plz,plz,plz,

  3. Take the newspapers to your veterinarian. We used newspaper to line the bottom of the cages and runs. They take used blankets and towels also.

  4. 1. You can use it in domestic work to wrap things instead of plastic, where possible & effective. e.g. base of the dust bin.

    2. Cleaning glass surfaces.

    3. Simply sell it to waste-paper scrap merchant. They organize to recycle it to make new paper, or bio-fuel.

  5. 1-find a recycling centre in your area and take them there

    2-great for packaging glass ware for storage or moving

    3-tear it up for litter box

    4-bottom of bird cage for litter

    5-you used to be able to buy a machine that you could roll the paper into logs for burning in the fireplace

    6-use to make paper mache objects fun for the kids

  6. I just read my news online and never buy papers. Just take it to a recycling center so they can do something with it.

  7. put your artistic abilities to the test!

  8. You still can get the log makers for truning old newspapers into fuel, check out ebay, iwoot or any eco centre.

    In India I've seen spme amazing placemats and bags made out of old newspapers rolled very tightly and then glued together... they are much sturdier than you might think and they look great... I expect a quick search on the web would quickly turn up some piccys!

  9. Hey.......

    You don't have to do anything yourselves !

    Just sell the newspapers in scrap.

    This newspaper is then recycled by companies.

  10. You can make paper bags of various sizes and distribute them or sell them to your local provision store or any store for that matter for carrying stuff encourage them to become eco friendly.

  11. I make paper logs for our woodburning stove...

    I use newpaper to clean glass and pack my good dishes

    I use newpaper to cover the art/craft table for my children..

    I take newpaper to my local veternarian/animal shelter to use in the cages...

    Or to a recycle drop location at the local schools.

    I read most of my news online

  12. If you have more than 1 kgs, it is impossible recycle in home use.... Just sell it to waste paper shop. It will be usable in new paper making....

  13. Million tons of old news papers are using for re-cycling for various products, ..............

  14. Put it in the recycle bin or if you have kids you can use it to cover surfaces when they are painting or paper mashey.

  15. I agree with the prior post....recycle center. The other thing you can do is see if your local paper has a web site. Many papers can be read online. Then you dont need to pay for delivery or dispose of it.

  16. paper is u can easily recycle by sellin it to the paper shops.......

  17. clean ur windows with it instead of using some chemicals.

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