
How to ride a SPORTBIKE?

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I'm worried about popping the clutch as I don't really understand what a clutch does, and how enjoyable a clutch on a sportbike can be? I mean isn't it a pain?

- If you turn the bike on. Do you hold the clutch down, then give gas nd then slowly release the clutch as the bike moves? if you release the clutch to quick then the bike wilk jerk quickly and take off?

If you give a tiny, tiny bit of gas, and you release the clutch quick, do you still pop the bike? The more gas you give while holdig the clutch and release it fast will dump you harder cause it's how much power you are reserving while holding the clutch?

-After releasing the clutch does the bike soppose to move it initially and then you give gas and your good to go?

- Can you pop bike while stil driving it? Is it just the initial 1st clutch that you need to get going? you don't need to hold the clutch down while your riding ever like for switching gears?




  1. always hold your clutch in when starting your bike. If you release the clutch, your bike will jerk forward, stall, then fal over. Start the bike with feet on ground, gently release clutch till you "feel" it start to grab.

    Th smoothness of your bike depends on your handling of the clutch.

    I would practice in a closed area, keep your feet out in case the bike falls over.

  2. When you write it is very easy to remember all what you have to do, but when you have to do all that on the bike, believe me you will have some problems, ask somebody that teaches you in person or go to a school, they are cheap and they will teach you on a real bike, it will cost you like $250

  3. How to use a Clutch.

    The clutch is a two part mechanical device that transfers power from the engine to the transmission.  On a motor cycle there are many pressure plates, and many friction disks.

    Contact the motorcycle safety foundation before you ride.

    First, put the bike in neutral.  Move the bike forward and back to confirm that the neutral light works.  Start the bike.

    engage the front brake with your right hand and mount the bike.

    Dont worry about the bike pulling wheelies yet.

    You should start by learning how to manage the clutch with VERY LITTLE addition of gas in first gear.

    Squeeze the clutch and step onto the gearshift (assuming you are still in neutral)

    Learn to start the bike with enough gas to rev at 1500 rpm.  When you have slowly let the clutch out completely, give it more gas.  Do this a dozen time smoothely then move on the the normal accelleration by adding gas while releasing the clutch.

    To accellerat harder, just give more gas, clutch is let out at the same rate.

    Think of the clutch this way.  The faster you let go, the quicker you are transfering power from the engine to the trans.

    If you have little rpm or torque, then letting go quickly will jerk you forward and stall.

    If you have lots of rpm or torque, then letting go quickly will jerk you forward, and if you cant hang on, the bike will leave you.  If you manage to hang on and not handle yourself smoothly, you could loose control.

    Always wear a helmet, gloves, and jacket.  Remember that compared to a Hog or any cruiser, the crotch rocket has all the torque and twice the HP with almost half the weight.  you can out accelerate almost any sports car out there.  If you don't know how to manage the speed, you WILL become road pizza.

  4. Bah! (wrong section)

  5. you know a sportbike is not a good first bike.

    hold the clutch down every time you shift. do let it out slowly in first..and give gas slowly..just like a car

    try walking it this way(let out very very slowly and just let it hum a little with the gas) to get a feel for it

    if you don't give it enough gas, the bike with jump forward and stall. if you give it too much, you'll go too fast and possibly lose control.

    Bikes are not anything to s***w with. I'd strongly suggest taking a motorcyle safety course. If you know how to drive a manual transmission car, you can transfer knowledge. If you don't , I'd learn that first and get it to be second nature. Also, again sport bike not a great first bike. Cruiser style like a rebel 250 or shadow aero.

    I also think you should have someone show you in person.

  6. When starting out you have to release the clutch gently.  You're right, if you let it out too fast the bike will either jump forward or the engine will stall.

    While riding, you use the clutch to shift.  Pull it in, shift, let it out again.  You also pull in the clutch to stop, like at a light, and hold it in while you shift back down to first, or to neutral.

    In sportbikes, sometimes the style of riding is to use the clutch a little harder.  Sometimes you want to to start quick, so you 'pop' the clutch, you let it out fast because you want the bike to just jump off the line.  Also you sometimes 'speedshift', meaning shifting without the clutch.  This is hard on the clutch and on the transmission, but it can cut half a second or so off a lap on a racetrack.

  7. you better take a motorcycling class, or fill out an organ donor card..

  8. I have no clue

  9. I think you should have someone teach you in person.

  10. Based on the number of people who post motorcycling questions in this section it is with some embarrassment that I admit that I am also a motorcyclist.  Am I the only motorcycle rider using Yahoo Answers who is not also a complete idiot?

    I run into the same thing on Craiglist!  It’s enough to make me consider selling my motorcycle.

    Post motorcycle questions under the right category!

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