
How to rig up some A/c window exhaust

by  |  earlier

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so i bought this huge like 13,000 btu a/c for my computer room, and it came with an exhaust coil and window adapted, only problem is, the window adapted isnt long enough for my windows.

ive included a picture, i need some ingenious ideas on how to fix the hole on the right, as well as the small cracks and gaps the window adapter doesn't fill.

also, this is not a permanent installation, so no stripping or caulk preferably. thanks guys!




  1. I like to use white plastic cutting boards, to make air conditioner fillers. They come in different sizes about 1/2 inch thick. The material is water proof, saws very easily, never needs painting, and lets some soft light in. If you don't want light, spray paint the inside.

    If you cut it about 1/4 inch under size, you can attach self adhesive foam weather stripping to the edges, and it will seal nice and tight.  

    The same foam tape can be used on the rest of the duct, for your other gaps.

    DO NOT USE DUCT TAPE for anything, where you want to be able to remove it later. Duct tape usually leaves large amounts of sticky residue  if removed in a timely manor, and large amounts of dried residue if not removed in a timely manor. Unless you like to clean up this sort of mess.

  2. Cardboard and duct tape.

  3. get some clear plastic from a fabric store and use white duct tape to secure. The plastic is very thick. You could use some cardboard and

    tape that to it along with the plastic.

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