
How to run a mile in under 10 minutes? not on treadmill?

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This might not seem hard to many people...

But I've got two days left, and I need to be able to run a mile nonstop, and hopefully under 10 minutes. I'm not overweight, I just have really bad endurance. 2 years ago I could run a mile in a little under 12 minutes, and that was when I was pretty chubby. I didn't run for a while, but i started again a few months ago. I run nearly everyday, but I can't seem to run for more than 5 minutes at a time! It's very frustrating.

On a treadmill I can do 15 minutes no sweat ( a slow mile ), but if I run outside I just die.

How can I improve in two days to get under 10 minutes?

I get up early everyday to run, could that be affecting me? I don't stretch much before I run, but that is mostly because I don't know what to stretch...

When I run outside, the streets are either huge hills or very long gradual hills, could this be what's making me tired so fast? Or is it helping?

Desperately need help!

Should I watch my diet, run differently, anything?




  1. Two days isn't really long enough to accomplish much, so I don't think there's any magic that'll help you make huge improvements so quickly. If you can only do a 15 minute mile on a treadmill, you're unlikely to run a 10 minute mile outdoors on hilly terrain.

    Since it's so hilly outside, I'd just say try to run your mile on the flatest place you can find. Like a track, maybe? And just take it easy for the next 2 days. Any training you do bow is more likely to wear you out than to make you faster.

  2. i can personally run a mile in 6 minutes, you have to pace yourself, go at the same speed throughout the whole up your stamina by running a mile every day...........

  3. Just do it.  Don't stop until your done.  You seem to be defeating yourself.  Its not like you are going to die oe injure yourself if you do it.  Get out there and don't let your body to tell you to sotp.  Just get psyched and do it!

  4. just say over and over to your self, "i am not going to stop, i am not going to stop", or you could train your self up to it. this is what i suggest.

    start out running one lap your 10 minute mile pace, which is about 2.5 minutes.

    then after doing just one lap for a while (maybe a couple days ) try doing two laps in  minutes (for a couple days)

    then do three laps in 7.5 minutes for a couple days. then soon you will be ready to run the full mile in 10 minutes, because you worked your self up to it during a week or so.  good luck, maybe you are just not a distance runner, maybe you are a sprinter, but don't loose faith, your doing great.

  5. try running in the afternoon, it helps some people to have some bloodflow before they start, run more than once a day and also try running slowly for up to 30 minutes at a time.

    tell me if this helps

  6. you have to find your stride and pace and push yourself. you really don't have to run to fast to make a mile under ten minutes. make sure you are running heal to toe and not stomping or running on your toes because you will exert more energy if you run on your toes

  7. i dont know if you can get their in only 2 days, but try protein bars. if eaten shortly after exercise they help speed muscle recovery. but dont buy the ones wit too much protein ( over 20g) because the body only needs so much and then it damages your kidneys .

    also, if you want to run a mile faster, try running two miles at a slower pace

  8. You have to make sure you bring water with u when u run. It makes me run way better when I bring a bottle of water. Whenever u get thirsty, tired, or when your side hurts or something, drink some water!! Also, just tell yourself "I can do this!" I ran a mile nonstop every week when we did it at school and it took me between about 7:15- 8:00 to run a mile. Also, make sure you stretch more and eat healthy before u run. It's good u run early in the morning when it's not as hot. That way u won't get overheated!! Lastly, my dad always says not to land too hard on your feet when u  run. So if you're landing to hard, land softer. Hope I helped!! =D

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