
How to run a program to not be admin?

by  |  earlier

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My son keeps playing this game and every time he opens it he needs my password. how do i make it so that he doesn't need my password? I hate Vista!




  1. The fact that it is asking for your password is a good thing. That is what stands between you and some serious virii. It should only ask for the admin pass if it is changing your system files though. The admin pass shouldn't be your password, you should use a limited account for your own security. Using admin as a user defeats the security and compromises your pc.

  2. delete it

  3. You have to provide Access Rights to him with his user.

    As you have admin user rights you can provide him the access to some of files

    When Windows NT is installed, the administrator account is created by default, as is an account labeled guest. It is possible (and recommended) to modify user permissions (which actions they have a right to perform) as well as to add users with the user manager. A user account is an identification uniquely assigned to user to allow him or her:

        * to log on to a domain in order to access network resources

        * to log on to a local computer in order to access local resources

    Therefore, each user who regularly uses the network must have an account.

    Managing users

    The user manager is the standard utility provided with Windows NT, which manages users (as its name would suggest). It is available in the Start menu (Programs/Administration tools).

    Forth :

    Hope this will help


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