
How to runaway..where do i go?

by Guest45427  |  earlier

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i am sick of everything i don't belong anywhere anymore i wish i was dead///nobody ever notices me no matter how hard i try everyone just pulls dirty maybe i am really ugly thats why....even if i looked my best..i giveup!i dont get on with cusins have got their on gangs..i always get picked on by everyone..i want to go and never ever come back.. wish i was dead....i've lost so much weight but nobody realises that..who cares?:-(




  1. I'm sorry you feel your life is useless. I assure you it isn't useless at all. Do you go to church? If you do you need to talk to a youth counselor or your minister, if not, then talk to your school counselor.

    Running away is NOT the solution to anything. You'll end up on the street selling your body just to get money to eat. The streets suck. You might think I can go live with your best friend, that won't work either, because your friends parents will not want to support you. Take a deep breath, find some place private to go, maybe the park, the library or even church. You need to catch your breath and realize you have a lot of value.

    Take care care IM me if you want, I'm a teacher and I will be glad to talk to you.

    Good Luck, you are loved.

  2. stay  

  3. just stay. running away will make you look like the biggest idiot in the world.

  4. I know how it feels.

    What i do is vent my emotions into poetry.

    look for an alternative that fits your interests and would be helpful.

    Although sometimes it seems like there is no hope, there is.

    So keep moving forward and stay, cuz someone is bound to care.

  5. Hey

    Dont right yoursef off yet

    It's only in your head you feel left out

    And looked down on

    Just try your best

    Try everything you can

    And don't worry what they tell themselves when your away

    It just takes some time little girl your in a little after ride everything ,everything, will be just fine everything, everything, will be alright

  6. I felt that way a lot when I was younger.  The worst person that picked on me was myself - I joined in with my family with what was said about me.  I looked at your profile and noticed that you have a lot of "best answered".  Your difficult  experiences have given you some wisdom to share  and you are making a difference in other peoples lives. You seem like a caring person and worth helping so start by helping yourself.  Look in the internet or yellow pages for your area and see what your resources are.  It may be up to you for the rest of your life to get help it but it is there.  Try counselors, teachers, child protective services, case managers, crisis lines, alanon/alateen  if your family uses drink/drugs, AA,or NA if  you do, churches that address your issues.  Never ever give up on yourself because life always changes and some really awesome incredible things are in store for you along with the same ol c**p ha,ha.  Wishing you courage and hope.

  7. No wonder you get picked on...It is painfully obvious how immature you are simply by your tantrum in your post.  Act like a two year old and most people will treat you like a two year old.  

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