
How to save blondes from extinction?

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How to save blondes from extinction?




  1. WHO CARES.;...

  2. Hair Dye

    ; )

  3. get rid of all red heads/black hairs/brunette's.   :)

    It's just a joke people....seriously calm yourselves

  4. Are you crazy or just stupid?

  5. give them brains -- im naturally blonde so im allowed to make jokes

  6. all the blondes of the world unite and mate.

  7. why do you want to save blondes? aren't they stupid?

  8. i'm excited for you! one day you will actually become an intelligent person, AND a supporter of women in this world no matter what their haircolor!!!

    until then, try to pretend because the whole blonde/brunette stuff is really pathetic.  

  9. stop breeding with other races. we are all going to have awful dark brown hair soon because everyone mixes races. yuck

  10. wow. your really immature arn't you? one day you will grow up and realize not to judge people on traits that there born with.

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