
How to save money on diaper??

by  |  earlier

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I have twins, so i got throu 8-10 diapers a day sometimes, when they have diarrhea. I use coupons, look for deals, but still its alot of money. What alternatived way i should use diapers, their 12-15 months old. I tried potty training them, but it was impossible their too young. What should i do, if so should i potty train them?? I dont know. I would love to save extra money on diapers. thank you




  1. Try looking at Costco or Sam's Club, you can save a lot of money that way.  Costco sells the Huggies brand for $39.99 for 258 diapers.  At regular stores you can get maybe a 80 pack for $18.00 If you do the math. For 160 diapers your at $36.00 for three dollars more at costco you get an additional 96 diapers.. Try that route.  I signed up online with Huggies and Pampers and Baby's R' Us.. They send me coupons all the time.

    There is no easy way.. Good Luck..  

  2. you have twins and ONLY go thru 8-10 diapers a day??? i HOPE that is for 1 baby and not both, they SO need to be changed more than 4 or 5 times a day -

    i change my baby an average of 14 times a day (24 hr period)

    i use cloth - after my initial expense of buying the diapers, i have very little additional expense - new diaper covers that are just SO CUTE, even though i have enough

    if you are going to have more children, it would be more than worth the investment of going cloth - even if you are not, it may be better to go ahead and go with cloth with them - because any baby needs more than 4-8 diaper changes a day

    if you have no washer/dryer i would suggest the G-Diaper - much easier when having to go to the laundromat

    if you have the washer/dryer in your home/apt - i would recommend cloth - dry pail method -

    if you do not want the 'old fashioned' prefolds or flat folds which require snappi's (no pins anymore) and a cover - take a look at fuzzibuns, happy heineys, AIO cloth diapers - they even have AIO one size diapers - which would be ideal for you w/older babies - and if having more -

    if you choose cloth - do not buy tons of 1 kind - try a few different ones first - maybe just 2 of each diaper until you find one that works - keep using disposables until you find the ones that work best for you -

  3. Cloth diapers are great.  It is getting a little late to make that kind of investment unless you are planning to have more kids.

  4. I heard that the brand parents chioce sold at walmart works just as great as the other diaper brands. I haven't tried that brand yet because i'm still 33 weeks pregnant, but i'm sure i will eventualy because i'm on a tight buget as well. Also if you have a store that sells bulk items like sams or cosco, check out the prices there, the more you buy the more you save. Good luck with you twins!  

  5. does the grocery store you shop at have a coupon book or a baby bag you can register for? I know when my little one was born I got a baby bag and a registration card and at 3 6 9 months and a year I got special baby coupons mailed to me that had pretty good deals for diapers. Its never too early to start to introduce the potty, they say now that babies can feel themselves going pee at around 15 months. So I believe your twins would love the idea of potty time, at toys r us they have a bunch of kids potty books that are plastic so they can bring them into the bathroom with them and read it on the potty.  

  6. Well I don't know if your kids are in daycare or not, but my son is. He will be 1 on Wednesday. So here is what I do.

    I shop at Bj's Wholesale for diapers and wipes. They send out mailers with great coupons. (we use Pampers cruisers)  I can usually get about $5 off each box. If a box is damaged, I will get it, and ask the manager for a discount. Because no one wants to buy an opened box.  (That also works for dented formula cans) I got a box for over $10 off one time because 2 diapers were missing.

    So we use Pampers at home and on the weekend.

    Daycare has to change the diapers every 2 hours. So I do not send expensive diapers to be thrown away so fast. So I buy store brand for daycare. They are a fraction of the price.

    Hope that helps!  

  7. You say they are twins, 12-15 months old, so are they closer to 12 or 15 months?  If they are closer to 15 months they might be ready to potty train.  Though most parents don't potty train till about 3 years old nowadays, most are ready around 15-18 months.

  8. Costco diapers (Kirkland brand)...very similar to Pampers.

    Love em.

    234 for 25 bucks....they have all sizes.


    We only spend about $200 a year for the Huggies Supremes. Because we get free diapers thru You get $1 for everytime someone you refer places an order. So refer everyone you know that is pregnant or already has kids and in no time you are getting $50-$100 a month in free credits. Use Promo Code FREEFIVE during checkout and you get $10 off your first order now. Plus it is free shipping and you don't pay taxes.

  10. im not sure on potty training them yet but have you gone to all the diaper websites (and sign up) like pampers offers a special cupons for twins huggies might also, luvs sends some good ones too i got a $5 one a cpl weeks ago

    i hope that helps a little

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