
How to save the remaining Christians from atheism ?

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How to save the remaining Christians from atheism ?




  1. Dear,don't worry.The Christians have very strong believes and won't let someone destroy easily their believes.

    My faith is not based on what other thinks neither on the influence of others.

    Look at the answers mostly Christains gave me on my question:;...

    God bless and take care.


  2. If their belief is strong enough, then atheism will not threaten their life. This is coming from an atheist.

  3. The remaining ones?

    You make it sound like there is 9 or 10 of us left...

    I'm already aware of needing a savior, YOU are not fit to save yourself.

  4. Home school them.

  5. Are you seeing Christians switching to atheism?  Are they mature adults or teens/young adults?  

    I don't worry about Christians making a "switch."  I worry more about how much trouble they will get into before God brings them back home if they're really His.

  6. Who needs "saving"?

  7. Leave them alone because the more you push Christianity down their throats, the more they'll go away from it.

  8. Why would you want to keep them saddled with that?  Set them free and let them be atheists.

  9. you cant.. just give up while you're at it.

  10. According to the Bible, a true Christian will always be a Christian.  Once we put our faith in God, He holds us firm.  We will not, nor will we want to, turn our back on God and turn to atheism.

    In John 10: 27-29, Jesus says:  "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand."

    Ephesians 4:30 says of the Holy Spirit (the third part of the Trinity), "And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."  "Sealed" means we are stuck there like glue.  If we trust in Jesus as our Saviour, we will always belong to Him.

  11. Yes, that just under 85% majority in the US needs saving immediately.

  12. I hear Mars has plenty of prime real estate.

  13. The question is, how do we save the remaining Christians from Christianity?

  14. Only a true believer who has Faith in God will serve and follow him no matter what anyone says. If they leave God they never believed in the first place.

    God had John Write in his letter.

    1Jn 2:19  They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.  

  15. Keep encouraging them in the faith as much as you can.  Their lives are valuable.

  16. Tell them to stop thinking.

  17. Why ruin one of our only chances at world peace?!?!

  18. Expansion of Amish colonies in areas inaccessable by TV or cell phone.

  19. You don't. You let them read books about atheism and let them walk away from the shackles of Christianity.

  20. Dont teach them to read or write or reason on their own.  It will be the best way they will stay christian forever.  Oh, and you could make sure to keep them all in your yard, put some chains on em, maybe a fence, and since their there you could put them to work...

  21. all those who call him lord and god will not reach heaven, only those who obey my commands do says the lord in bible, so those who believe him with heart and soul will never become atheists.

  22. Just because a person says Lord,Lord does not make them a true Christian. Those will be lost, but no true Christian will forsake his faith.

  23. Christians shouldn't have to worry about such a thing, It is their belief and they should never let anyone else tell them what to believe.

  24. nothing like forcing people to share the same beliefs as you : )

    that ALWAYS works well.

  25. There is nothing to be saved from.  There is nothing to atheism, but the disbelief of God or gods.  So you can't save them from a nothing.

  26. Mandatory lobotomies?

  27. Keep them active in the pursuit of theological and scientific knowledge, as most scientists and doctors have done.

  28. keep reading the bible, keep praying, that's all there is to keeping the faith. and despite what atheists will tell you if anybody really reasons things out they will find that God is real.

  29. The following answer applies to many questions, not just yours.

    There is no magic formula. There is no easy solution. There isn't one simple action that you can perform to "save" Christians from Atheism. It's not as if you can say "abra-cadabra!" and everyone's mind will change.

    You have to think for yourself. You have to read the Bible: immerse yourself in it. Don't worry about "saving" other Christians, because you cannot save anyone; only God can bring salvation. If there are specific people that you are worried about, pray for them, but most likely there isn't anything you can say to them or do for them that is going to drastically change their minds. You can only show them Christ's love.

    I can tell you one thing: arguing, yelling, and name calling are never going to change anybody's mind.

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