
How to say I love you in spanish??

by  |  earlier

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Can you try and tell me how to pronounce in spanish too!






  1. TE AMO means I love you and TE QUIERO means a little less than "i love you"

  2. Te Amo'

    This is the correct way in Spanish

  3. Hey babe go here you can translate anything

  4. te amo, i think

  5. 'Te amo' (pronounced like it's spelt) does mean I love you, but it's genarally used more in south America. In Spain people usually say 'Te quiero' (te key-ro), which grammatically speaking means 'I want you', but people use it rather more than the former.

  6. Yo te amo

  7. Te quiero.

  8. Te amo,

  9. Oi you greasy git

  10. Usted dama vieja que huele

  11. Mi perro quiere su gato

  12. Yo Te Amo

    yo tay ah moe <--

    I think it is the same as portuguese and italian, or similar.

    good luck!

  13. te quiero

    pronounced  "tee- kyer-do"

    and you can add   amor mio (my love)  a-more me-o

    rhymes with "te quiero"

  14. Voy a comer la panocha de tu madre

  15. In Puerto Rico (I think it's the same in Spain), we say yo te quiero (yo tay qiero would be how you pronouce it) I think you can say Yo te amo as well (yo tay amo) but that's usually more common in South American countries.

  16. te amo con el passion de dies sols which translates to i love you with the passion of ten suns

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