
How to say it in Greek?

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I really care for my friend who is Greek, and I wanted to know how to express it to him in his own language. So what words would be appropriate and how exactly do I pronounce them.




  1. εννοείς τον κόσμο για μένα

    you mean the world to me.

    I have no idea how to pronounce it, but you could write it in a really pretty note.

  2. Why not "I love you!" in Greek?

    You write it as: Σε αγαπώ!

    and you pronounce it: se agapo

    Otherwise you can ask for the greek translation of whatever you want to say :-)

  3. I really care for you

    Στ'αλήθεια νοιάζομαι για σένα

    StalEEthia niAzome yia sEna

    I care for you

    Σε νοιάζομαι

    Se niAzome

    You are not unimportant to me

    Δεν είσαι ασήμαντος για μένα

    Then EEse asEEmantos yia mEna

    You mean a lot to me

    Σημαίνεις πολλά για μένα

    SeemEnees polA yia mEna

    Capitals=Put accent on this syllable

    ee= like the two "ee" in the word tree

    e= like in the word era

    Hope i helped!

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