
How to scold or punish a fish?

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Ok, my fish has a habit of doing this and it is very obnoxious. She comes up to the front of the fish tank looking in my direction and then she just starts to go nuts sort of like moving back and forth from side to side abruptly towads me like she has an attitude or something. Just aggressive behavior. I always poke on her fish tank and she swims off real fast but she just starts up again after that.




  1. Are you nuts?  She is happy to see you and wants your attention!  You should not have a fish. Or any pet for that matter.  Would you kick your dog because it wags its tail at you, too?  I think you should get a pet rock.  Punish yourself, because you are a negative jerk and are interpreting your pet's behavior in the worst way possible instead of the best.  You need therapy.

  2. well is your fish a loner it may be lonely try considering a oppisite gender fish

  3. I'd take away her internet privileges, and no watching "Finding Nemo" for a week!

  4. Maybe she's trying to tell you something? Maybe shes bored? Or maybe she wants attention? Have you been feeding her well? Have you been cleaning her out regulary? Maybe shes lonely and wants another fish in her tank? Different animals try to tell their owners different things in different ways. You have to use your imagination. Read the signs. And try and figure out what your pet is saying to you.

    Good luck :)

  5. I don't think fish get attitudes? But when you poke the glass that only makes it worse because he is probably stressing and your tapping is stressing him out even more. I've never had to punish my fish so just go with it.

    EDIT: Wow ghost shrimp fan don't be so hasty he didn't say he was gonna leave it out of water or something. But yeah your fish is probably just happy to see you so give it some attention.

  6. make the tank black ?

  7. shes just trying to get your attention. you cant punish your fish. a fish only has like a 10 second mind spand.

  8. You can't punish or scold a fish.  They would never equate the punishment with their action.  They also don't have "attitude" problems.  They aren't mammels or people, I think you've been dealing with dogs or cats too much.

    It doesn't sound like aggressive behavior, just a fish that is begging for food and your stressing it out by tapping the glass.  The noise vibrations can be piercing to a fish.

  9. Well It Depends on the Type of Fish.

    Ifs its a Betta Fish then It See's its Reflection Somewhere.

    I Dont think You can Punish a Fish Besides To Cover the tank for a while.

  10. You don't "scold" or "punish" fish.  It sounds as though your fish may have parasites.  Parasites will cause fish to "flash" which is similar to the behaviour you describe.  You also need to make sure the water quality is pristine and that your tank size is appropriate for your fish.

  11. Actually I agree with GSF and Fin, though Apprentice usually has some good answers.  What you don't realize is that you cannot treat a fish in the same way you treat a cat or dog.  This isn't about a reward/punishment system when it comes to fish.  Fish are much more instinctive then mammal type pets, have a totally different brain system, and are cold blooded etc...  Your fish is just doing whatever seems natural to it.

    I'm curious but just what is your fish anyways?  I find it odd that you are looking to punish your fish, but you don't take the time to even name the species of fish you have, what is the size of the tank you  have it in, are there tank mates with it, what kind of filtration you are running?  Have you considered that possibly you are not properly caring for your fish and it's displaying unhappiness, so to say, of it's enviroment?

    Typically, this sounds like anticipation of food really.  Such as Oscars moving around really fast when they recognize their owner.  I can tell you this much, my African's, when I come home, I have to go up stair and the sound of the door, they are all swarming over the tank as this is the time I normally offer them food.  It sounds to me very close to a food anticipation reaction.  It's just behaving normal really.

    Good point Riff, I see you are the intelligent half lol.  You take the time to spell properly too.  Points from me for that!!

  12. The fish might be because hes trying to get some attention for food. But you can't punish them they don't even know what it means to punish. If you do really punish him he wont stop doing what hes doing.

  13. Are you nuts dude. You do not poke or punish your fish. They are primitive creatures with a 9 second memory span. My fish does it as they learn to recognise you as the owner and feeder. The fish is actually communicating with you and asking for food. Do not give it food when it asks though. Sorry for the insult but fish are very fragile little animals. If you do not appreciate the fish then do  not keep it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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