
How to sell insurance?

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i have life license and can write annuitys in my state.

i have know clients and family and friends arent interested?

How do i make money

i am so broke rite now i have 17 dollars honestly




  1. Go to work for an insurance company that will provide a guaranteed starting salary, training, and benefits.

    If you just want to sell life insurance and annuities, here are some names of companies you might want to contact. (Not listed in any particular order):

    Met Life, Prudential, American General (AIG), American National, Monumental Life, Mutual of Omaha, Equitable of NY, New York Life.

    After you get training and experience, and gain confidence in yourself after 3-5 years, you might want to become an independent agent.

    There are advantages and disadvantages of being independent, and of being a company employee.

    You also might want to think about going multi-line. The more product you have to sell, the more ways you can help your clients, and the money you can earn.

    Right now, you NEED to be an employee, for the guaranteed starting salary, training, and benefits.

    Best wishes, and God bless.

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