
How to send message to employee within network?

by  |  earlier

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How to have a some kind of chat system for internal use only on a network? Like sending and receiving to and from employees. Is there any softwares available for this?

The software should be strictly for internal use only. Like MSN or Yahoo messenger you can connect with your private contacts during work hours. To avoid this, i am looking for a internal chat system only (which does not require the internet).




  1. go for trillian or use meebo as online chatting messenger... needs just browser.. go to

  2. most management programs have this function such as "netcontrol" ... or you can use built in service exist in windows ,, to do that go to administrative tools>>sevices>>enable messages console ....then you can complete by yourself .

  3. You can use Windows Messenger 5.1 with Exchange 2000 Server Instant Messenger Service, and then block all IM services/ports on your main firewall to prevent employees connecting to the MSN Messenger services.

    There is also a newer system which runs on the Office Communications Server 2007 package which might be worth looking into. (Apparently that will connect to either WM5.1 *or* Office Communicator - which also supports VOIP).

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