
How to serve a Martini?

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How do I serve a Martini. For instance a martini rosso or a martini bianco? Do I use a single or double measure?

Thanks for your help.




  1. Hi Matthew,


    America has had a love affair with the martini since we first heard James Bond say, "shaken not stirred." Although it has moved in and out of the public consciousness over the years, it's back with a vengeance.

    The martini's basic ingredients are simple. Use six to eight parts of a quality vodka or gin to one part or less vermouth. You can, of course, add your own special mark to your drink with lemon peel, olives, cocktail onions and other flavorings.

    Make sure your glass is ice cold and good luck.

    P S What time can I join you .

  2. You can use a wine glass to serve it straight. Better if the glass is chilled.

    You can use a tumbler (the same you would use for a scotch) to serve it on the

    rocks, with a lot of ice cubes and a slice of lemon if it is Martini Bianco

    and a slice of orange if it is Martini Rosso o Rosè.

  3. Just follow the recipe! Here is a link to a bunch of martini recipes, the basic one of course is the bond martini.

    Hope this helps!

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