
How to set a price for mowing lawns?

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I want to mow some peoples' lawns this summer, but I'm not sure how I should charge them, and how much. Should I do an hourly rate? Fixed price? Most people around my neighborhood have about the same sized lawn, give or take. Or should I look at a lawn and then tell them a price for the whole job?





  1. I would just charge by the hour since all lawns will be a bit different.  It's manual labor so I would say...$12 an hour.

  2. I was going to answer till I saw your Avatar name. You're a man - how dare you tell a woman what to do with her body?

  3. I mow 6 lawns as well.  I set a minimum of $25, which is about the average going rate for a small front yard (most of them are from 100 to 300 sq-ft).  Going to $35 for a medium sized yard that is up to 500 sq-ft.  if I do the back yard, I up it to $45 -$50.  My services include edging, trimming, Commercial Snapper mowing, and any easy weeds to pull.  I then charge $20-$25 per hour for any other chores like pruning, repair work, major clean ups, plus parts.  Look at the yard and guage how much work is to be done and go with that.

  4. Here in Orlando, I've paid $25/week for the lawn mowing. The whole yard is only about 125 ft. X 50 ft. But that amount included edging and blowing grass debris when the job was done.

  5. I mow 6 lawns myself and have set an average price of about $25. Some people pay me per lawn or some pay per month it all depends. The lawns I mow are around 1 acher in size. Tip: Be flexable with your clients so you can settle on a price, but do not be shy to say if a set price is to high or low, let them know what you think the price should be judging on the size of ther lot. Youshould be on your way, don`t forget your mower!

  6. All lawns are priced per cut.Cut,trim and edge every other week on the edging.A normal residential lot can run from $25.00 to $35.00.Thats for a company with insurance and lots of men and equipment.You will have to beat that price to be competitive.Most customers pay once a month after you send them a bill.

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