
How to set up a radio station in India? What is the cost? How to pay the royalty for the songs?

by Guest57579  |  earlier

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How to set up a radio station in India? What is the cost? How to pay the royalty for the songs?




  1. Most new stations go through roughly these steps.

    Community Development

    The first step is always to define what groups you will be broadcasting to. In general terms, it is assumed that interested groups (multicultural groups; first nations; fire fighters, students... whatever) will produce programs that suit the needs of their communities. As you define these groups, you will also define geographic areas. In other words, once you know who will be your audience, you will also know where they live and work, and where your signal will have to reach.

    You must also begin considering how you will pay for your station. At a campus radio station the funding breakdown is usually about one third each from student fees, advertising, and outside fundraising (like dances, car washes, and grants). A community station obviously will not have student fees to support it. Budgets vary widely, but figure on spending a minimum about $100,000 each year. Maybe less if you can survive without full-time staff. Maybe more depending on how you operate. It's a good number to assume at this point.

    Examine budgets from other stations, but understand that your budget will be unique depending on the organizations that you are part of, and the communities that you serve.

    Sketching out your programming

    Once you know who your audiences are (and by extension, who will be producing programs) you can start to sketch out your programming philosophy, and possibly start to think about your on-air schedule.

    The programming at a community radio station is much different from what you will hear on a commercial radio station. Commercial broadcasters aim to have the same "sound", and the same music, all of the time. In many cases the music is played by computer - not people. Sometimes even the DJs are stored on the computer so that there is never a need for a "real" person to be in the studio.

    A community radio station will sound different every hour. One hour may feature punk rock, followed by programming by Lithuanian seniors. Environmental issues may be discussed, with jazz or classical music the next day. In general, each show is different, with different hosts and producers. Most of these people will be volunteers.

  2. Two best links of setting up radio in india. There are two types of radio stations in india . First is community radio which is free. And second is license based. I hope these links will help you. If you have more howz quetion other than radio the click here

    Radio link:-

    license agreement from govt on india( copy and paste this link in new window of browser and then click enter. It is a complete license aggrement from government of india

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