
How to set up solar power for your home?

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I saw an ad to the following items

Chicago Electric Power systems

45 Watt Solar Panel Kit

400 Watt/800 Watt power inverter

Power Inverters 2000W Cont./4000W Surge

What else is needed to get electricity from the solar panels into a home?? How does this work?

I get a lot of sun and would be great to lower my HUGE summer electric bill. Lots of Sun = Lots of Heat = A/C all of the time = $$$$.




  1. You need:

    Solar Collector Panels

    A charger/inverter module.

    Storage batteries.

    For a system of any meaningful size, your taliking a lot of cash.

    45W Solar panel.?

    Will give you maybe an average of 270W./Hr.s per day.

    With electricity at about $0.20 per 1000 W./Hr.s,

    how much do you expect to save?

  2. Well, my system looks like this:

    2 x 80 watt 20 volt panels.

    one photo voltaic charging thingy

    8 x 6 volt deep cycle golf cart batteries wired such that they are really 4 12 volt batteries...

    one 2000 / 4000 inverter.

    about a mile of wire.

    For the record, you will be cutting down on your eletrical usage, but even with a big fat system and a lot of batteries, if you are cranking your air con,watching TV, and microwaving your dinner, you will need to be connected to the grid. Any solar system capable of not hiccuping under normal city usage is going to set you back 10 to 20 K. If you want to go exclusively solar, you either need to be prepared to invest a hefty chunk of $, or learn how to cut back on your usage.

    I use this system in the middle of the Mojave, and it provides all the power we need. It does not provide all the power we WANT.

  3. I know exactly what you mean.  I got so fed up with paying so much for power.  It's bad enough to pay for high gas prices.  I found a really great product that helped me build my own solar power system.  It's actually pretty easy and a lot of fun, and best of all.. I only had to pay like $200.00 bucks for the materials, and some I already had around the house.  There is a guide you can check out that I highly recommend.  It costs like 50 bucks but it was almost 100, and I have already saved at least that much money already using solar power.  Check out

  4. Sounds like the system "Liz" described is kind of cobbled together; you want to install a "listed" solar photovoltaic system, and have it installed in a "Code compliant" manner.

    Depending on who or where you purchase your system, they will probably offer to install it for you. This is also a good idea, which will include a warranty on the product and the installation. You want the installation to be done correctly; remember, there is no way to turn off a solar collector. Unless covered with a special black-out blanket, the only way to "turn off" a collector panel is to turn it over; a difficult task on a sloping roof.

    You will want to know what additional dead load this will place on your roof structure and be sure that the roof system will support it. You will need to check with your local building department to see what Code requirements you will have to comply with. If your home has a truss roof, you will probably need to have a structural engineer verify that it will support the added weight, or design modifications to the roof framing that will allow the installation of the SP System. You may also have to contend with Zoning requirements. Although a variance is always possible, it can be a very expensive proposition.

    Good luck.

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