
How to setup modem router if i've 2servers using private IP address and 1public IP address from ISP?

by  |  earlier

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This case is about to view live video streaming. i have 2 servers(all cameras connect to this servers) that assigned using static private IP address. ISP provide 1 public IP address. now, i try to access the server to view the cameras from outside network (over internet). and i'm using modem router sdsl. anybody can help me to solve this problem?




  1. If your SDSL router supports it, set-up port redirection.

    public IP port AAA ---> private IP1 port x*x

    public IP port BBB ---> private IP2 port x*x

    Connect to port AAA or port BBB from the Internet depending on which server you want to view.

  2. You need to configure one of the servers for a non-standard port, configure port forwarding for that port to that server, and include the port in the http URL like hostname.domain:port#

    Either that or you need to get a static IP package which typically has 5 usable public IP's and suitable modem/router or router.

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