
How to sew a button on a shirt

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How to sew a button on a shirt





    Though I would sew the button just a smidge more loosely than the video

    shows to give a little more play for the thread shank.  A coat button generally needs even more "give", so the loops are formed over a matchstick or similar, then the matchstick removed and the threadshank formed.

  2. Your a worry!

    Get yourself a needle and thread the colour of your shirt pass thread through needle and tye a knot at the end this will stop it from going through the cotton, pass at the spot where button was and loop over the button to the next hole in to the shirt and keep alternating between holes zig zag if more than two holes (4). When you think there is enough thread holding the button on pass one more time to the back of material and tye a granny knot using the needle and cut of the remaining thread.

    Good luck before you know it youl'l be making your own shirts.

  3. Hi Steve!

    This is Rain, your Guide to DIY Fashion at, I have been sewing for a while, now, so I thought I'd help you with your button question.

    To sew a button on, first you need a needle that is small enough to fit through the hole son the button. That's a no brainer! Get some thread that matches the button you are sewing on. Cut a length of thread and thread it through the needle. Tie the ends of the thread together.

    Place the button where it needs to be attached to the clothing. Start on the inside of the garment and pull through the cloth and through one of the button holes. Now draw the needle through the opposite button hole. Come back up through the one across from it and so on until you have criss-crossed a few times. End off on the inside of the garment again. Tie the thread in a knot and cut off the extra thread.

    I have lots of clothing repair tips and how-tos with step by step instructions on my site. There is also a forum there where you can ask questions on how to make and fix clothing, jewelry and accessories.

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