
How to share internet PPPoE connection to several PCs?

by Guest66510  |  earlier

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i have one laptop connected to internet. i want to share it to several computers using 8 ports switch. how to connect it properly?





    Go to the above site it has the information you need

    1) A 4 port router that has a modem port as well

    2) Ethernet cables 1 from each computer to router and 1 from dsl modem to special port on router the above site will show how to setup

  2. I switch/router hope your using a router but if your using a switch it should be a plug and play I don't think there should be any problem if you just connect everything to the switch.

  3. Switch will only work if your provider will allow multiple ip addresses to be assigned.

    You have to get a router. The router will separate your network from the external network, applying PPPOE authentication when needed. You will have basic DHCP throughout.

    Some modems can also authenticate onboard PPPOE, without the need of software.

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