
How to share internet help me?

by  |  earlier

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i have cable net and one router . i have two pc. i want to start net in both pc my internet ip is subnet getway , and dns how will i do plz say stap by stap how to share internet in both pc




  1. 1.) Connect the power to your router and cable modem.

    2.) Connect an ethernet cable (it looks like a standard US phone connecter--except wider) to the port on the modem.  The other end should go to your router's "WAN" or "Internet" port; sometimes manufacture's label things differently.

    3.) Connect another ethernet cable to the port on the back of your computer.  The other end will goto an available "LAN" port on the back of the router (there are usually 4 or so on a standard home router).  You'll need to repeat this process for each additional computer.

    Note:  At this point I'd try to see if you're connected to the internet.  Open a web browser and goto a site like -- if things work then you're basically good to go.  Although if your router has a built-in wireless access point (if you're not sure consult the manual), you'll need to either turn off the wireless part (if you're not planning on using it) or you need to secure it using WPA/WPA2 authentication with AES encryption.  Read the note at the end of this post!

    --If things aren't working at this point read on...

    4.) Look through the router's manual and find out how to connect to the router web interface.  It'll usually consist of using a web browser and pointing to an address like (this is the case for most if not all Linksys router's.  Another way to find out the router's IP address is to open a command prompt (Goto: Start Menu select Run then type "cmd" no quotes and hit ok).  Once the command prompt opens type "ipconfig /all", this will give you a listing of all your network related settings for your computer.  You want to look for an entry label "IP address".  It should have an address next to it starting with 192.168.xx.yy --the xx is a number between 0 and 255, generally 0, 1, or 2; the yy is generally 100.  Now look for the entry labeled "Default Gateway".  This should be the router's IP address and will have the same xx as your computer's IP address.  The yy is usually 1.

    5.) Open a web browser and type the router's IP address.  From there you'll have to research thru the router's documentation since all manufactures have different web interfaces.  Essentially you'll need to look for a couple of settings.

    5a.) Look something labeled "Internet connection type" or something similar.  It should have several options like Automatic or DHCP assigned, PPPoE, and Static IP.  Cable internet almost always uses the Automatic/DHCP setting.  DSL almost always uses the PPPoE type.  Static is only used if your ISP assigns you an IP address rather than them giving you a dynamic IP address that can change periodically.  Static address are generally only used if you're running a web server and is very costly.  I would consult your ISP to double check what connection type they use if things are working right.

    5b.) Look for a section labeled status or something like that.  If you read thru and you see an IP address for your WAN/Internet connection.  If it read your router isn't getting an IP address from your ISP.  Try unplugging the router and modem, wait 30 seconds, plug the router in then the modem.  If it still reads, either there is a problem with the connection type, something's not hooked up right, or your ISP is having a problem.

    5c.) I would also recommend changing the router's default password.  This will ensure no one else can access the router (children perhaps) and mess things up or lock you out of your own router.

    5d.) You'll see a setting labeled DHCP server or something similar.  Router manufactures almost always have this turned on.  It allows the router to automatically assign IP addresses to any computer that is connected to it.  You should leave this setting alone.

    6.) That's it!  Hopefully, things are working at this point.  If not post another question.  Or perhaps someone else's answer solves your problem.

    Note on setting up WIFI:

    If anyone tells you WEP is okay they must not read the news.  Also, don't disable the SSID broadcast or use MAC address filtering; they're both useless and will create more headaches than people it keeps out.  If you don't believe me read this article:

    It's one of the better articles out there.  I'm not going to go into setting up a WIFI network since you didn't specifically ask.

  2. login to your router and enable DHCP IN that.From both u r pc's change u r TCP/IP properties to obtain IP automatically..

    Rt click my network places,inside that rt click LAN,click TCP/IP take properties and do this from u r pc's.....

  3. type in your ip address into ur address bar and then type in your password (it should say it on the bottom of the router) or a default password might be admin and the username might be admin depending on if u set ur username or password. But otherwise just research  on google if it doesnt work just try 2 get into ur routers front page i have a linksys so my password is admin.

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