
How to shop sliced drives?

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what can i do to stop slicing my drives




  1. Actually, a tip I read that has worked well for me:  For slices, create a larger shoulder turn on the backswing by "flaring" your right foot open by about 10 degrees.  That, and quit trying to kill the ball.  Think 3/4 swing the whole time.

  2. Typically with slicers, what they feel should help is actually hurting.  A slicer will usually want to swing the club more to the left and the harder they swing to the left, the more sidespin is applied.  Don't mistake the feeling of swinging left with the feeling of properly releasing the club. I'll explain:  If you're standing at home plate, a slicer will instinctively want to swing towards 3rd base thus causing a slice. A good player swing towards the pitchers mound while "releasing" the club.

  3. i think there's a category on ebay

  4. if your set up is within the bounds of normal then the best way is to make sure you use  the big muscles to hit the ball make sure you make a good shoulder turn and SLOW DOWN take a lesson from a pro

  5. there are a myriad of ways to stop, cure a slice. your alignment may need to be changed, look at your grip, perhaps you should try a stronger grip "if right handed, put your hands 2 gether in a proper grip and rotate them to the right", perhaps you have an open stance, maybe your shaft is too stiff or may be too flexible, i could go on and on, i would suggesta quick lesson with a local teaching pro or at least buy an instruction book

  6. Its all in the set up before you hit the ball because that influences your shoulders alignment at address. Think of your swing as a door a door has 3 hinges in order for that door to open and close the hinges bust be aligned. In reference to your golf swing the 3 hinges are your knees hips and shoulders. make sure these are pretty equal a slice is caused by open shoulders making your swing very open and weak. Their are a variety of different bad shots in the slice category its slice push slice and banana ball. The only one that's caused by a swing path thats to flat on the inside is a push slice. The other 2 are more common the fix is getting everything right before you hit the ball. Practice having slight knee flex and square shoulders in relation to your foot line lay down a club as a visual aid this may help good luck.

  7. How to shop sliced drives?

    Go into the only Right Isle!

    Hit'em "Right "

  8. Tee it up higher.At least half of the golf balls equator should be at the top of the driver when at address. And for the swing , adjust your take away to be shallow on the swing path. This promotes hitting up on the ball.

  9. Try to keep your right elbow tucked under on the downswing. A flying right elbow will induce a slice. Throughout your swing your right elbow must remain as close to the right side of your bodyas possible.

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