
How to silence an iframe (javascript / html)?

by  |  earlier

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i'm trying to use an iframe to load a website, but the website has background music to it (whether its in a flash video or background music streaming), and that is what i'm trying to avoid.

anyone knows if its possible, and if so, how it can be done?




  1. The browser's security model doesn't permit cross-site scripting. You can load a page from another site into your iframe, but you can't reference into that page's namespace and affect (or even query) its behavior or attributes.

    From the server-side, you could proxy the other site's page. Then, the page would APPEAR to come from the same domain, but I'm guessin' you were lookin' for a client-side solution. Unfortunately, there ain't one.

  2. If you are using a frame to embed somebody else's website into your own, then you won't really have access to their code and have no control over the audio.

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