
How to skip to Calculus in NJ?

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I am 14. I live in New Jersey. After the end of this summer I will be a freshmen scheduled to Honors Algebra II+Honors Geometry. That is the highest freshmen course I can take. However I knew Algebra II and geometry when I was in fifth grade. Because my dad is a mathematics professor, he taught me extra math.

And I am currently studying(just began) Calculus III on my own. Me and my dad asked the highschool for me to skip Algebra II

Precalc and Geometry. (since I already knew them well) and go to Calculus. However, those Democrats(the worst word I can describe them) said that no one has ever skipped math courses in their school Which is a lie since I knew a couple people there that skipped a year.

What do I do to convince my High School that I am ready for calculus( and I have been ready for 1 1/2 years)?

Please help me, I will feel stupid repeating a course I did YEARS ago.




  1. Ok, that might be a bad idea because colleges will want to see that you have completed the classes.  Writing "my dad showed me" on your transcript isn't going to look so good.

    btw, republican would have been a much worse word to decribe them with.

  2. Well, my high school doesn't have anything hire then Calculas. I took it as a sophomore, because of a test i took in 9th grade. In 9th grade any advanced student took geometry, and any regular student took algebra 1. I was in geometry, anyone in geometry took the test to see what class they would be in at the high school.

    some people took Algebra 2 honors, Pre cal, or Cal. I took cal, cause i passed out of the other classes. Now i have to take college courses during high school, instead of regular math classes.

    Basically what im saying is that you have to pass out of the classes, you have to take the test, so i don't know if you have taken, or if you need to take it, or when they give it to you, but the only way to convince them is to take it.  

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!-----d:^)

  3. you can test out of that class and test into Calc. The school might not let you because testing out happens during the summer and they might feel like you havn't studied. Take the easy math because you can have great grades, although taking advanced math looks good for college.

  4. talk to your parents and Dean at the school.  in college you can test (or challenge) some classes, so this might be an option at your school.  consider other options like charter or private schools that might suit your educational goals and needs.

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