
How to sneak a camera into a concert?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, So me & my friend are going to an Avril Lavigne concert and I really want to take some pictures!!

& It says "no camera's, videos...blah blah blah.."

I have a digital camera, but I don't have a cell phone so, I can't use it to take pictures with .

But, do you think this would work?? -- Bring a jacket, put my camera into my jacket... If the security pat us down than I could just tell my friend to hold my jacket while he pats me down??

Well I don't know ...

So, just suggest anything please!!

Thankss, :)




  1. I sneaked a disposable cam in the Mary J. blige and Jay-Z concert a few months ago. They searched my purse but I had it in my jacket pocket which was a thin wind breaker. You would think they would've checked my jacket. Several years ago my friend and I were gonna sneak our cams in to  an outside summer jam concert by wrapping them in foil and putting them in a sandwich bags and lunch bags with our snacks lol.

  2. Just when I though there was hope for humanity, I came across your question.

  3. it usually depends on the artist if cameras are allowed. i've seen lots of shows that people recorded, so it just depends. they just don't want you to record it and sell it. otherwise it wouldn't be illegal. try looking at some videos on youtube of Avril Lavigne concerts and see if there are some people with cameras. if so, you should totally bring yours.

  4. ok thats a terrible idea lol heres what u gotta do either put it in ur pants or like under a hat

  5. It will totally depend, you could put it in a bra.... One time when I went to see HIM they just took people's batteries, so my dad took out the battery and stuck it in his back pocket-security didn't dare pat his back pocket down... lol.

  6. ur carmera should be slim enough to conceal it. but if u can't look thru the lens and at least know where the direction of the camera is facing , ul just be frustrated and you will only get fuzzy video scenes. why not just get an Mp3 player and record the concert (sound only) that way you will remember your reactions when the music was playin...

  7. i went to an ozzy concert and i had a camera in my front pocket and i just walked in...

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