I have two bunnies. One lops bunny, and one lionhead bunny. The lops ( who I have had for quite a long time ) is a great bunny. Whenever people get close she hops on up to people. I couldn't ask for a more socialized bunny. But i got another bunny ( the lionhead) to keep her company. While the two bunnies get along great, the problem i have is that the lionhead is very anti social. He doesn't bite or anything of that manner he just wont socialize at all. I've tried to coax him into socializing with treats or veggies to no effect. He doesn't like any of them even when left alone. Is there some trick to socializing a bunny I should know about? I feel that he is missing out not only on contact but maybe if I could get him out of his shell he could enjoy things more. I take the two bunnies for walks, but hes so shy I don't think he enjoys it at the level the other bunny does.
On a side note, I love my bunnies regardless of how they act, im just trying to make their lives better in any possible way I can.