
How to solve a sudoku fast?

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are there any really good tips to solve a sudoku faster




  1. Many people try as hard as they can thinking of possible places a number could fit. If you want an easy way yo solve sudoku try the opposite. Try finding places where numbers CANT fit. until you're left with only one possible number that could fit in that place. So mainly search for impossibilities is easier and faster than searching for the many more possibilities. ;)

  2. be smart like be jk heres a link

  3. get smarter

  4. Practice, practice, practice.

  5. There's not really a way to speed up playing Sudoku other than to practice more puzzles. Eventually, you speed up because you develop a way to interpret where the numbers go, so the places are obvious.

  6. Yes there are tricks and techniques to use, but I've learned them over the past year or two. I would point out something to you, but it take too long to explain and there's no sudoku board to look at.

  7. right hurr :]

    it's kind of long, but it works if you want to be like BAM DONE!

    practice here:

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