
How to solve adoption mystery..?

by Guest31997  |  earlier

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I was told that my father had another child with a woman, they named the child Chastity, then she was adopted at one year of age. It could have been AZ or CA. This could have been '78 or later.

That's all the info I have, besides my bio fathers name. I'm just curious if I actually have a sister or not & not sure how to look for answers.




  1. If I were you, I'd go to adoption registries to see if you can locate any biological siblings.

    You could also go to a private investigator to see what they can dig up.

    You could contact the Vital Records office of AZ & CA to see if you can find any information, too.

  2. How old was he in 78'?  Is your grandmother or grandfather still alive or a relative that you can ask about it.?

    Find out as much info from family members. Find out if it when through an adoption agency or a lawyer and which ones.  What hospital was the baby born in.  

    Anything that will give you a start.

  3. did either of the grandparents leave a family bible with any

    information in it?

    The girl might have had the last name of your dad, and

    you have his name...

    Do you know where or if you biological dad is still alive?

    If he's deceased, you can get some info on him from the

    Social Security Office.

    If you know where you were born, then you can start there,

    or where your birth father lived at the time the girl was

    born, you can begin search there, and you can obtain

    records from archives of newspapers on births, deaths,

    and for school enrollment records, they would be at the

    county clerk's office at a courthouse, in a county where

    an individual attended school.

    If someone is deceased and you learn what area they

    died, there are funeral records...

    you can always submit a letter to the Editor of any news-

    papers in any area you are searching and you will most

    likely make contact with blood relatives.

    You might give any and all information about the names

    of any grandparents you have, and I'm sure someone will

    recognize the name and be in touch with you.

    You have to get your information out there, just in case

    there is someone looking for you.

    You can see a librarian to learn about the places where

    you can Register your own information, so others might

    can locate you...

    You know what the last name is of your birth father, check

    the internet for person's in various towns and cities, and

    then find the newspaper for that location, and submit a

    letter to the editor give a Permanent Contact

    Address and phone number too.

  4. There's a good website where you can post the info and see if anyone else knows anything.  You can also register with the Adoption Registry in your state, by giving your father's name and the dates of birth you have.  Try registering with both states.  Its not expensive.

    Then go to Tina's Adoption Search - a great website for learning how to search.

    Good luck.

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