
How to solve friendship problem?

by Guest58584  |  earlier

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i have two friends they are pretty close

but one of them lives 2500 miles away from where

me and my other friend live.

my friend that lives away from me

is going back home after visiting us

for a month

the two friends are best friends they practically lived with each other


but the day before my friend left they got into a fight

because of miscommunication i personally it couldv been

avoided but the stubbornness kept them two

from solving the problem

and instead making it worse

the friend that is going back home was saying her goodbyes

but when she came to her best friend she ignored her

because of what happened between them

what would be the best way to go about the problem should

i make a move and try to help them solve it or should i

let them figure it out

and just work it out for themselves

or any advice i could give them ?

sorry its complicating..




  1. look this is a hard time and if they both r ur best friends u should enter in a conversation with both of them one by one , and then when u are full aware of the whole story then let both ur friends meet each other wid ur assistance and then with cool mind try to explain whole situation and let the communication flow be ventured.Patch it up for ur frnds and fr ur sake.U will feel contented .Hope this works out fr u.

    I've faced the same situation and the above solution helped me and my friends.good luck.

  2. my advice is to stay out of their fight because they'll probably vent to you and possibly say hurtful things about one another, not to mention put you in the middle of everything.

    they'll probably work things out in the end.

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