
How to solve "sleepiness after lunch at office" problem ??

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How to solve "sleepiness after lunch at office" problem ??




  1. Get up and walk around and stretch, don't eat a big meal at lunch.

  2. Have a nap, do some exercise, open the window, turn down the air conditioner, do some work, have an arguement.

  3. Massage your ears. Pull your ear lopes. Walk all over the place for half an hour immediately after lunch.  Don't eat too much meat or too full, it will make anyone sleepy.  If you just eat half full or just eating fruits for lunch, you will never be sleepy.

  4. go for a cup of tea

  5. Studies have shown that it is a natural human condition to get sleepy around three in the afternoon.  The Mexicans have the right idea with their afternoon siesta, they don't fight what is natural, they do what is natural.

    It has been found that "day people", those that like to get up early in the morning have a worse afternoon slump than "night people".

    So take a 1/2 hour nap if you can get away with it.  If not, eat a lighter lunch, as a heavy meal tends to make one sleepy. If you drink coffee, drink less in the morning but have a couple of cups with lunch so that you'll get your caffeine kick when you most need it.

    If you don't drink coffee, but can tolerate caffeine (I can't it makes me so jittery I can't solder!)  try "Red Bull" or one of the other caffeine based "energy drinks".

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