
How to solve the world food crisis? By GM crops? OR by banning Speculation?

by Guest60082  |  earlier

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This subject is on BBC World News. And seems an attempt to justify GM proliferation. But this problem together with Oil, could better be served, surely, by criminalizing and banning the speculation of food , which has created hunger not only in the third world, but also in so called free and developed nations, with the result also of enormous profits by a few - at present, legalised criminals?




  1. Grow more food.  

  2. Exactly where is this crisis?.....Not here in Spain....Spin all spin.

    Oh but then we don't have a problem with obesity.......

    We don't do 2 for 1 special offers here in the supermarkets unlike the UK....(Only the Brit shops here)

    If many of you could actually maintain a balanced diet and SAVE some for others then this Alleged crisis would be no more.

    it seems two greedy basket fillers don't agree with me....

  3. How about by banning biofuels?

  4. It would be solved by banging a few "leaders" heads together.

    There is plenty of food.  The problem is distribution.  And this is created by political leaders being too stuck up their own @rses.

  5. GM crops will make the situation worse.  They are only being developed for the short term interests of agri-businesses.

    The answer is better education.  This would enable farmers to take more control. Also better educated people breed less, reducing demand for food. Educated people are less likely to go to war, which helps maintain production.

  6. GM food will not solve anything. The only people pushing for GM crops are the companies who force farmers to sign highly restrictive contracts, and the weak-willed and greedy politicians in the pay of Monsanto et al.

  7. Another solution would be for humans to stop unchecked breeding and attempting to live in places and enironments that cannot support them.

    Which other animals do that?

    In any event I see GM as short sighted and a cycnically commercial. The eventual spread of and mixing in of seeds and pollen from genetically modified plants around the world could irreversabley change natural plants and leave us unable to guarantee natural crops have not been poisoned with GM.

    I also don't believe the chemical companies really want to be selling their chemical GM seeds to third world countries. They may say they do at this stage in order to appear to be concerned for the plight of the third world and use it as a moral lever but what they really want to do is sell their products to rich western world countries where they can get top dollar for their chemical products. It's very similar to why the drug companies seem to do very little to develop treatments for the diseases and illnesses of the third world but put most of their efforts into developing drugs to enhance quality of life for rich westerners and their western world ailments... people with money!

  8. GM crops have been grown all over the World with great success. It IS the way forward. The only people whingeing are small Tory farmers trying to cling on to a way of life which has faded away. They will have to forego all their subsidies and get proper jobs. Goodnight Mr Giles.

  9. what foodcrisis, in san francisco's tenderloin the needy get so much free food they throw half of it away.

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