
How to sort scrap metal?

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I am new to scraping metal and am a little confused. When I go to turn in my metal they give me one price for everything that is magnetic. But the price sheet has Irony brass and irony die cast and such. So wouldn't these items be magnetic also? Should I be separating these items too? How do I tell the difference in the metals? Also what is the difference in the coppers?




  1. My husband has been doing scrap for a few years now and if you want to, send me your email address and when he gets home from work tonight, (it might not be until tomorrow that we can sit down and do it though) I'll have him give a list of everything your asking about and send it to you.

    He learned by asking at the scrap yard. The guys there were very helpful. You were smart in asking because we lost a lot of money by not knowing.

    Include what state your in please. We're in Michigan and we're courious as to what the going rate is in different areas. It's up pretty high here.

    Hope to hear from you. He likes helping beginners!  

  2. Your best bet is to find someone at the scrap yard that knows their stuff.  There are a plethora of different metals out there.  The bulk of what you have is probably just assorted scrap, but you probably also have more valuable metal as well.  Aluminum is a shiny, non magnetic metal worth over $1/lb.  It usually comes in thin sheets.  There are also different types of steel.  #1, #2, galvinized...  Galvinized steel is pretty cheap stuff.  Number 1, however isn't.  Things like railroad irons and engine blocks.  They are made out of steel but are too thick to go through the shredder.  Also, cast iron is fairly valuable.  Things like cast iron pots, or anything that looks like it came out of a mold.

    As I said before, there are lots of different metals and if you can find someone who is willing to help you, it is possible to turn what could have been $100 in assorted scrap into $300 cold hard cash.

    Happy scrapping.

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