
How to sound proof a room?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to know how to sound proof a room the proper way and what material is good for it i really dont care about looks i just want a room where my band can practice without the neighbours calling the cops (twice) ive heard egg carterns are good but if you have any ideas would you plz let me know and also would you be able to tell the percentage of noise the materail blocks out

thx heaps





  1. Depending on if you are in NEW CONSTRUCTION or just covering it up.... in NEW you can add a special sound deadner insulation between the walls and floors, and as for just a quick cover up... egg cartons work somewhat... the cardboard style... its the sound waves that don't penetrate as well into the walls.... also their are like a wall rug that you can hang up as well, made of a dense foam and rubber like material! check with the local carpet store or like a home depot !!!  Good Luck  and keep on jamming!!!

  2. The are 4x8 sheets of sound deadening board available.  It is 1/2" thick and you could use this in combination with other products like insulation in between 2 of these sheets.  It should be realatively inexpensive to do.  The floor and ceiling are just as important as the walls.  good luck.

  3. Yes, Egg cartons are good and the cheapest way, though you need ALOT of them! Good insulation such a fibreglass can help too, and then the egg cartons on top.

    If you want to do it really professionally, i suggest you speak to a local contractor/builder about the process :)

    SHouldnt be too expensive :)

    Hope this helps

    PS: I know for a fact that egg cartons work, as I play in a brass band, and the room we rehearse in is soundproofed with egg cartons. If it can keep the noise of a brass band in , then it surely will work for you!!

    PPS: Yes! That is the one im talking about, the fibreglass looking material, Sorry i thought it actually was fibreglass!

  4. Buy sound proofing material, but be warned it might be expensive just google soundproof material and then it goes right on your wall. And egg cartons will not work.

  5. they make a sound proofing material that comes in rolls and looks like fiberglass insullation except it is white and it is not fiberglass (which does not soundproof anything).

    I have seen it for sale in a Home Depot.

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