
How to soundproof a basement?

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I live at home and my family just made my room in the basement. It was a sweet idea at first to have a huge room, but unfortunately it seems to have been the biggest mistake. My family is very inconsiderate. They watch TV in the living room very loudly and no matter how much I ask them to turn it down, they do not. Also, it is very very loud when they walk. You can hear every single step. Even the dog walking. I need to find a solution to this because I work at 7am everyday which means I have to be up at 5:30am every morning and being kept up until 11:30pm by them being rude needs to end.

So, I have a drop ceiling in my basement with one large fluorescent light in the middle. Is there anyway to cut out noise with a drop ceiling? I am looking for something relatively cheap, but I will cough up some money if your advice truly helps. I was thinking insulation but other than that I am clueless.

Any advice besides telling my family to "shut up" because that clearly does not work.




  1. move ya freeloader

  2. Various wall and ceiling decor might include empty egg cartons, any sheets or bedspreads hung on the walls in a folding wavy way, cardboard sheets, again wavy, fabric covering all the walls and ceiling, and also run a fan at low speed while you sleep, that will help drown out ambient background noise...

  3. You can put batts of insulation above the drop ceiling. I may not  take away all the noise but it should muffle the noise.  

  4. Look for the electrical panel in the basement. If you are in luck you may have the ability to control the tv by switching off the breakers. Lacking that, an early morning loud stereo program to help them realize you are up and getting ready for work. If this does not help try the insulation mentioned above. Or invest in some disposable earplugs. I use these in motels every time to quiet things down.

  5.   insulation  will  work  ,take the tiles  of  the  drop  ceiling and put the insulation inside ,double  it  if  you  need  too  and  secure ...

    you  are  good  to  go;  then  put  CORK  tiles  in  your  door  and  along  the  wall  and  that  should soundproof  the  basement .  

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