
How to speak up in the classroom???

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This year I have become really shy in certain classes. Some classes I'm really talkative in (obviously only when I'm supposed to!!!) and others I never open my mouth!! In one of my language classes a few weeks ago I had to recite something which we had learned the night before and I knew it off but when it came to saying it in class I couldn't open my mouth, I was shaking like real bad and was nearly crying!!!! The teacher called me up at the end of class but she got the complete wrong end of the stick and thought I was being bullied!!!! She was really nice about but couldn't understand what was wrong because she believes I'm top of the class (not sure about that though!!). I don't know how to snap out of it or why it's ony in certain classes I can't speak. Anyone got any suggestions???




  1. Practice in front of a mirror.My son had the same problem and he practiced in front of a mirror,then in front of me and my husband,and my two other kids.He had no problem.Just pretend like Noone's there.Recite it in front of a mirror,or some friends & family,Or like my Pop told me "Sammy,Pretend like their in their underwear".

  2. It happens to everyone, even grown ups. So don't feel bad that you're suddenly shy or unable to speak to your class.

    Sometimes it helps if you are feeling more confident about yourself. Wear the clothes you feel good in, do your hair the way it makes you feel your best, etc. My shyness came in during the roughest years of my life, when teenage puberty totally made me feel horrible about my looks. Everyone goes through it though, so just remember you're not on your own.

    Next time, take a deep breath and think to yourself 's***w it.' What's the worst that could happen? You say the wrong word? You stammer a bit? Think anyone will notice? Most likely not. Big deep breath, do what you have to do, and let it go. You'll get past it by putting one foot in front of the other.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, you'll do just fine. :)

  3. The same thing used to happen to me.

    Don't worry about whatever you have to do. Is there a reason you get scared? Try talking to someone about it, maybe even the english teacher! Also, pray to god (if you are religious. If not, take no offense) for strength to be able to speak up.

    Happy Speaking and Good Luck!


  4. How to speak up in the classroom?  You say hey! I'm talking here I'm talking here.

  5. if you've been working on this and not getting anywhere (and it's not because you're afraid of the teacher or you have a crush on someone in your class or something), talk to your parents and even your school counselor about it.  just as some people develop phobias about the dark or heights, others develop anxiety so severe that they can't talk in some situations.  it's sometimes something that counseling can help with.  my daughter could not talk at all in school, but with help has gotten completely past it.

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