
How to spice things up?

by  |  earlier

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i need something out of the ordinary to get my man interested again




  1. Don't do anything crazy, don't do anything totally.. weird, but think outside the box, be original, and plus.. I don't think you would want for him to treat you like a w***e, and if you can, get him to turn off the computer or where he is watching the p**n, and seduce him or something.

  2. Ask him if he has any secret fantasizes he wants to act out or suggest any you may have.  Not knowing your age or relationship this is kind of hard to answer.  I am guessing you are married you could buy an adult s*x game to play, get yourself a little drunk and him too as to reduce inhibitions.  Drive to a secluded place without telling him why, get and and strip for him (and do they same to him too)!  Have s*x outdoors where there is some chance of being caught -- it makes it a lot more exciting.  After work when he comes home greet him totally naked or wrapped in something he can rip off you easily.  Rent or buy a p**n movie and turn it on without him knowing about it.  If you really want to get VERY bold you might offer to hire a hooker to have a threesome.  There area lot of other things but I am hesitant to suggest them as you might freak out, but I think you get the idea.  Not knowing either of you or your "moral" attitudes its difficult to say much more.  

  3. you don't need to do anything too crazy (unless you want to) just find little ways to do different things always. variety and exciting new experiences have been proven to keep serotonin levels high and ppl in love longer.

    -So plan a few different and exciting dates, double points if its something that NEITHER of you have done before. (ex. rock climbing)

    -change your appearance a little, this could be like a different makeup style or a totally different hair style.

    -do new things every time you are sexual (from new positions, to wearing a wig, to role playing, to hiding a tattoo somewhere on you for him to find, to acting out his favorite porno, blindfold, whatever..just new and different= exciting)

    -take a trip! taking yourself completely out of your routine and only with each other will renew your excitement for each other and give you time to concentrate on loving each other.

    think outside the box, think of what ur guy likes but change it up, and do some totally NEW things. have fun with it!

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