
How to stare to daycare i live in chicago and i have to take english class to speak english well please help?

by  |  earlier

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How to stare to daycare i live in chicago and i have to take english class to speak english well please help?




  1. Please don't try to take care of children that you cannot communicate with......learn English first or take care of children that speak your native language

  2. Try this!

  3. Try these links:

  4. I am confused about the question.  Are you asking how to start your own daycare or how to locate daycare for your child so that you can attend English classes?

    If you are trying to locate daycare for your child, try this:

    If you are in this country legally, you should have a sponsor. Contact your sponsor. Your sponsor should be able to help you.

    If you are in this country illegally, I really wish you would go back to your homeland and start over LEGALLY.

    If you choose to remain here illegally, contact a church, the American Red Cross, American Rescue Workers, or the Salvation Army. Someone there should be able to help you locate daycare.

    If you are trying to start a daycare, DON'T.

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