
How to start a Dotcom company?

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Please provide me the information on how to start a Dotcom company?




  1. Well I suppose the first thing is to develop the service and/or product the dotcom is going to provide.

    Next, you register your firm with your state or provincial government (should be easy navigation from the official landing page, or Google "business registration [your region]"

    Then you choose and register a domain name, find a host (your current ISP can usually host, or you can choose a third party), and set about designing your site. Again, ISPs commonly offer site-building tools and templates, or you can start with MS Expression or Frontpage if you're a novice.

    At some point you'll be opening a business bank account with a nearby branch, and from there a merchant account if you anticipate processing credit card orders rather than checks.  

  2. Depends on what your DotCom company is about. Do you want to sale things? etc.

    For starters (in general) you are going to need a website and some hosting (try as they will offer you plenty of room along with a shopping cart that will hold 2500 items. You are not going to find a hosting company that will offer that for only 20.00 a month (well I have not found a company that will do that).  That will be your fist step.

    Other than that... Would need more information from you on what you are planning to do.

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