
How to start an outboard motor that has been sitting in storage for two years?

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How to start an outboard motor that has been sitting in storage for two years?




  1. make sure lower unit is full of lube [or change], change the oil if it is a 4 stroke, top off with fresh gas [mixed with oil if a 2 stroke] change spark plugs , and fire it up

  2. glad you asked.

    first lubricate the cylinders by pouring a half ounce or so of TCW3 oil in the spark plug holes, rotate the engine best you can to distribute it, then turn the flywheel by hand a couple revolutions.

    water pump impeller will take on a 'set', thus be less effective, you'll want to change it.  slight chance it's started to dry-rot in which case you don't want pieces breaking off and blocking the water jacket.

    if it wasn't prepared for storage by fogging, or at least draining the carbs, I'd seriously think about a rebuild.  at least, before you take it to the lake the first time - it's the hi-speed jets you want to worry about.

    inspect the wiring for brittle/missing insulation.

    inspect the fuel lines for stiffness/cracking.

    inspect the spark plugs, just on general principle.

    charge the battery, hook 'er up to the hose & spin her up!

  3. If it has been properly stored there should be no problem- just use muffs on it to see if the water pump is working properly- a month ago , I would have listed a page full of things that should be done or checked- but after my brother took a 40 horse Evinrude that had been sitting out side in the briar patches for 12 years and cranked it right up and run it with only putting in new plugs and a water pump, I am now so confused (mine needs a carb cleaning if it sits up 4 months) I feel any advice I give you is worthless.

  4. turn the key

  5. If the carbs were drained before storage, hook the gas line up, prime it and fire it up. If the carbs weren't drained they will need cleaned out or rebuilt.

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