
How to start clubbing?..question from someone with social anxiety.?

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Hi.I am 23 male...i suffered from panic attacks and social phobia since 15 due to religious abuse and strict upbringing from parents....Now,I am of course away from them and living my own life.....

I would say I have recovered 70% from past traumas.......Now,could you give me some tips on how to enter the clubbing scene,going to clubs,bars during late nights?...This is something I have never done before...Even though many of my friends have asked me to join in the past,I refused coz of my previous fear of interacting with strangers and social phobia..........Now that I have almost recovered,I need some tips from you guys who r into clubbing and are experienced in it...what can I look forward to,what to expect,how to handle situations like when it could out of control,how to be with women in such situations,dress sense,codes,general things that u have experienced first hand dat would be beneficial to me...Also,I am not into drinking or will it be fun for me....Thanks




  1. visit this site: it will help:)

  2. Congratulations on making so much progress on overcoming your past traumas. I used to be very shy in general, not just when approaching women. I've had some panic attacks, but not related to social siturations. I know how tough they can be to deal with.

    For better or worse, you are really going to be put to the test when you go clubbing. It can be hard for "normal" guys and even tougher for someone with your background, even though your attitude has improved so much. Do you have a counselor or someone to talk to about social phobia and your concerns about clubbing?

    One of the first thing to realize is that anyone can get turned down while clubbing. As hard as it sounds, don't take it too personally or too seriously. Also remember that you can't please everyone. Some girls will like guys who are very tall, while other girls will not. Some girls like guys with long hair; other girls do not.

    Remember that you can learn something from any social situation. If you meet someone, that's great. If some girl turns you down, you can learn from that too. For example, what could I have done differently? Was I really being myself or was I trying to be someone slick?

    You might start clubbing step by step. The 1st night, your goal might be to talk to 1 or 2 girls. Later on you can try to meet 3 or 4. You might try to get 1 phone no. in the beginning. Later on you might aim for 3 phone nos.

    Last thing: when you meet a girl, don't just talk about yourself. Become curious about the girl. Find out what her interests and dreams are, instead of just asking what kind of work she does.

    You might want to get DVDs or CDs at There is one set on meeting women in clubs. Check out the website and you can get better prices on   Have fun!!


  3. be yourself. Get some sweet as clothes and combine them into a style or follow what the trend is usually clothes stores are with that sort of style. mix and relax also u cant say what situation you will be in so just enjoy it by dancing, if you feel you cant dance and you really really need to do that first join a dance class people dont bite.. plus maybe jumping into clubbing u can leave till later. join something u would enjoy. yes you can do things you can enjoy

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