
How to start hunting?

by  |  earlier

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Hello, I am fairly new to shooting. I've shot handguns quite a bit, but never shotguns or rifles. I wish to get into hunting, but I do not know ANYONE who hunts. I live in Los Angeles, and I do not want to drive for a long time for hunting.

So where do I start? I do not know what is available to hunt near-by. Could anyone suggest what would be a good thing to start hunting and where to learn about it?





  1. dear....

    welcome on board... hunters great fun and life.

    1- u must belive that u really want to hunt and want be hunter.

    2- you must know what kind of animals u want to hunt, if birds and overland and over waters are ok with you so it will be easier for u.

    3- i did not catch what is ur gun guage? is it 12, 26, 20? or 16....? anyway u mentioned shotgun. so you must know first ur gun capabilities and what shots u can use.... for ur game. like size 0, or 1, or 2.... to 10, or maybe if u look for big games u will need buckshots.

    so the best think u visit the nearest shop sells shotguns and ask him about ur gun power and the shells available in market for it.

    4- if ur gun can take more than one shot at time with magazine.... at start puit only one shot "polit" since u do not know how u will react when u see game or games...u must know urself how u react ...will u get confused and start shooting everywhere...or u can focus and not lose since of what around u?

    5- i belive the best thing...u try to shoort on aim... to know ur gun ...the shot shells u bought....

    6- then u must ask the department in ur state... about license.... u must have license for hunting... they will give u licesne and regulations and table of what and when can be hunted.

    7- then u can join a group... some offices or insistuations arrange team hunting trips. it is safe... since will be under control with starnagers carry guns around u.

    8- i suggest u start with big games.... it will give u quick pleasure... then u will be more specialist to choose small games and then choose another gun in future.

    9- MY MAIN ADVICE FOR ANY HUNTER " WHEN U CARRY UR GUN... FEEL LIKE THIS IS UR FIRST TIME U CARRY IT AND FOCUS ON IT, DO NOT GET USED TO IT"  in other words.... do not take it as a part from ur soul and body... always look at it as starnge part from ur body... so u will never ignore it and then make a mistake....

    10 - when u clean it... do not have any polit in the same room.... clean it away from the polits and shells..... and do not load it untill ur out of city.

    wish u the best joy...and safe trips. take care and have fun.

  2. I don't know if you're man enough, i mean, you've only shot handguns...come back to me when you've fired off a round or two of a water gun.

  3. shimmitail1 got it. The first thing you need to do check with your state's Department of Natural resources and find out where you can take a hunter safety course (if you haven't already taken one) and then get a hunting license. Additionally the state DNR should have a list of public lands available for hunting.

  4. The first thing you should do is take a Hunter safety course and get your hunting license!*
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